GEKKO International tournament 2024

Fill in the form to register for GIT2024 on the 17-18th of August!

From now on you will have to pay the amount directly after filling in the form.

You will receive a new form for the BBQ and team lists closer to the event.

150 Division 1
Voeg toe
geselecteerd (aanpassen)
  • Direct payments are only possible for Belgian teams.
  • Other teams pay by traditional bank transfer way.

If there is any issue with the payments please let us know.

Payment info
Beneficiary: GEKKO vzw. – p/a Krijgslaan 60A – 9000 Gent
IBAN: BE79 7373 0416 1933

GEKKO International tournament 2024
Controleer onderstaande gegevens alvorens het formulier te verzenden.